I created a questionnaire that can serve as a guide to help you, the potential client, determine whether MANICPROJECT is the right photographer to collaborate with. The market where I am located - Salt Lake City, UT - is saturated with a specific type of photographer. Let’s call it a “wedding photographer.” Let me be clear: I am NOT trying to impose on their clientele. I have always gone in the opposite direction of what most people consider “popular.” I can’t even say I’ve intentionally done it; it’s just not who I am or what I believe in. Hopefully, the photos you see on this website are proof of this, but just in case it’s not clear, let’s go through the questions:

  1. I am looking for:
    A) The most affordable option
    B) A unique point of view

  2. I want to create something:
    A) On-trend
    B) Timeless

  3. My company needs:
    A) Someone to execute our vision
    B) A strong collaborator

  4. I value:
    A) A large volume of images
    B) Quality over quantity

  5. I chose my photographer based on:
    A) Their popularity
    B) Their work

  6. I prefer:
    A) To fit in
    B) To stand out

  7. I won’t compromise on:
    A) Budget
    B) Solid communication and mutual respect

If most of your answers are A, we are most likely not a good match.
We are probably a good match if five or more of your answers are B.